Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Chicken Hatching


This year was a very successful year for hatching chicks.

Preschool, K-2 and Mrs. Livingston had most of the chicks in their incubators hatch.  The process takes much patience. After setting the eggs carefully in the incubator and making sure the temperature and humidity are set, we need to wait and countdown the 21 days.

On day 21 we start to see and hear the little chicks cracking out of their eggs.

Then, the chicks stay warm inside the incubator until they are dry and ready to move to their Brooding box.

We love to see them grow bigger and stronger each day-eating, drinking and growing.

Before we send them to their new homes, we let the chicks stretch their legs in our classroom.

Next stop, the ASA chicks go to many different homes and farms throughout the community.


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