Thursday, August 15, 2019

History of All Saints Academy - Founding School Alumni Stories

During the 10 year celebration of All Saint Academy we were blessed to collect some memories from alumni from our four founding parish schools! 

Christine Cybulski, a St Isidore alumna, shared memories of hot dog lunches once a month, color days so uniforms could be dry cleaned, Christmas caroling in the neighborhood and collecting money, selling World's Finest Chocolate, and selling candy in the candy store. 

Lori Borek shared her fondest memory of Blessed Sacrament. In 8th grade Lori was upset to be passed over for the court for May Crowning. A teacher, Mrs. Skorupski, invited her to MC the event. Lori shared being nervous, but looking back is grateful for being given the chance to build her confidence! 

Dave Pietrowicz, also a Blessed Sacrament graduate, shared how the education he received at Blessed Sacrament built the foundation for his career in education. 

Angela Mitchell, current ASA Middle School Administrative Assistant and a Blessed Sacrament alumna, was happy to be welcomed into the 4th grade at Blessed Sacrament after relocating from the east side of the state.  Her favorite memories are of the school carnivals and sports.  Events for the carnival were spread out all over the school building.  Angela enjoyed running around with friends to play games, eat popcorn, and win cakes and bottles of pop.  She played every sport available in middle school at Blessed Sacrament; softball, volleyball, basketball, and cheerleading!  Every girl in her class played on the softball team.  They were able to get to know each other better outside of the classroom because of this! 

 It is always great to hear what our extended family is doing! In our Season of The Saints publications we have begun highlighting All Saints Academy Alumni stories! If you have an  Alumni story from ASA or one of our founding parish school to share please contact either of our school office! 

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