2018 Leadership Mass Speech
by: Aiden McGavin May 24, 2018
Leadership Handover
Finally, the time has come. We, the 8th Grade Class of 2018 at All Saints Academy, the first class to go through Pre- K- 8th grade, pass over our student leadership of All Saints Academy, to our future leaders, the 7th grade. The student leaders to this school. Our school. Your school. We now pass over the leadership to you because we are ready to go on the the next level. High school. We have completed 8th grade, and you will too. But it isn’t always easy, and I’m sure I can speak for everyone in this class when I say this. It is hard to be a leader. It really is, sometimes. Sometimes you inhibit yourself from your homework, or school work, because you feel it’s just too hard. That is just one simple example of something that can prevent you from showing leadership. Showing examples of our core values, Faith, Learning, Loving, and Serving can be stressful at times. However, in a few minutes we will pass our candles on to you, signifying your turn to lead. We have faith in you. We know you will be good leaders, and will do well your last year here.
We wish you luck on this journey. This isn't going to happen overnight, you know. This is a process. I’m still progressing in my leadership skills. We all are. Every single last one of us. So, while on this great, challenging, exciting journey you all are about to have together, remember to pray with and encourage each other. We offer our deepest prayers, support, and encouragement to all of you. Good Luck!
And of course, we’d like to say thank you and goodbye. To our priests we’d like to say thank you for your continuous love, support, guidance, and friendship. Thanks also to our teachers and staff for your love, support, knowledge, and the pride you take in teaching us and wanting us to be successful and do great things in our futures.
Finally, we are thankful for each other. For our love for our classmates. As we say goodbye to you all, we also say goodbye to each other as we leave for different high schools. Of course this is a hard thing, and you will experience it too, but the Holy Spirit will bring us back together someday.
After all that, I’d really like to leave you all with this: All leaders have one good quality and it’s the ability and willingness to work with others. 7th grade, your willingness to be in this together, as one, is critical. Just think about that. I know my willingness to work with those around me to become a better version of myself, not only as a leader, but as a person has helped me grow immensely.. (small pause) Perhaps that might mean that you range out of your comfort zone, a bit. And that’s up to you as to what that means for you next year. I did that, and it benefited me greatly. This past year, I stepped out of my comfort zone and it made this year amazing for me.
In Jesus’s love, until He comes, may God be with you all.
God bless.