Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Preschool Alphabet Parade

Learning the alphabet is a very important part of a child's preschool year. In Mrs. Harmon's class, they celebrate their learning with an alphabet parade at the end of the school year! Each child randomly chooses a letter and is tasked with creating a letter poncho. The poncho is made out of Meijer paper bags. The student brings the poncho home and decorates it with items starting with their letter. For example, if you had the letter "S" you could put stickers, string, straws, and silly faces on your poncho. Once completed the child will return the poncho to school and wear it in an alphabet parade! The parade consists of marching down the hallways of ASA's lower campus and showing off all their hard work. They get to show off to the older students (K-2) as well as show the toddlers and teach them about their letters. The students are always so proud of their hard work and are excited to display what they have learned.  

It is always so interesting to see what they come up with! The family aspect of this project helps to continue the learning at home. The hope is that the child will never forget their special letter as well as make connections with others' letter ponchos. This activity helps foster creativity, alphabetic knowledge, and collaboration among our students. It is an event that is looked forward to all year long! 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Chicks are Back!

On April 26th, the preschoolers (as well as the kindergarteners and 4th graders) were excited to get a very special package in the mail. 3 dozen fertilized eggs were delivered to ASA and quickly put into our incubators. We patiently waited the 21 day incubation period making sure the temperature stayed between 99-100 degrees and the humidity was just right.

Then on day 21, we saw a crack in the first egg! The chick came out wet and weak so they relaxed in the incubator for 24 hours. By the end of the day we had 7 baby chicks.

These young preschool scientists enjoyed watching the baby chick eat, drink and start to grow their adult feathers. After a few weeks of watching over the chicks, they were picked up by selected ASA families to be raised at their homes.