Monday, June 10, 2024

Natural Playground

ASA has a new addition to our playground thanks to Notre Dame Club. A few weeks ago we welcomed a new natural play space to our lower campus playground. The space is intended for students to be able to connect more with nature by intentionally creating a welcoming environment to build and explore. It has been a favorite spot for Mrs. Harmon’s preschool class! They enjoy the open-endedness of the materials which allow them to freely explore the world around them. These nature based activities support teamwork and problem solving skills while also nurturing young children's natural curiosity. We look forward to new pieces being added to this play space in the near future. If you haven’t already, come check it out!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

8th Grade

 As the school year comes to a close, our 8th grade class looks forward to a new chapter in their lives. This year has been one of immense growth, fun, and learning!

One of the standout experiences of the year was the 8th grade class retreat. It was a time for students to bond, reflect, and prepare for the challenges ahead. The retreat provided an opportunity for personal growth and strengthened the bonds within their small, tight-knit class.

In science, students dove into hands-on labs that brought learning to life. From physics labs to dissecting frogs, many students commented on how Science was a favorite subject in school. Social studies classes, another favorite listed by the class, allowed students to gain a new understanding of how the United States was shaped. One of the highlights in English Language Arts was the book tasting event. Students sampled a variety of genres and authors, exposing them to new authors and books. Math projects challenged students to apply their knowledge in creative ways. These projects demonstrated the practical applications of math and encouraged innovative thinking.

Many students reminisced about field trips they took over the years, including visiting Lansing in 3rd grade, Cannonsburg in 4th grade, Farm Days in 5th grade, and Art Prize in middle school. Another favorite from their time at ASA was many of the class being in one or more musical productions.

*Photo credit: Jamie Geysbeek Photography

The May Crowning and Leadership Mass were reminders of the spiritual growth our students experienced, along with Confirmation for many this year. These events allowed them to contribute to the community in meaningful ways, fostering a sense of responsibility and service.

Baking cookies at Christmas and Service day were other memorable events, as students gave back not only to classmates in other grades, but to our four parish communities through various acts of service.

Over the years, this 8th grade class has been a small but dynamic group. As new students joined and friendships evolved, the class dynamics continually changed, bringing fresh perspectives and new connections.

As our 8th graders prepare to move on to high school, we celebrate their achievements and look forward to the bright futures that await them. We wish them all the best in their next adventure!

Congratulations, 8th grade class of 2024! Your journey has just begun! Go out and be saints!