Advent is a time of . . .
Or as our Preschool students all know - preparation!
During Advent, our students learn about the narrative stories of Jesus's coming in Atrium, our Catechesis of the Good Shephard program, starting with the Annunciation. Students are invited to think about what Mary would have been doing in her house when Gabriel appeared, how Mary would have felt in that moment, and in what ways Mary would have prepared for the birth of Jesus.
Mary was present to the present moment. She pondered in her heart what was stirring. She was attuned to God's presence. Mary also would have prayed with the Psalms, and Psalm 46 may have been a source of comfort:
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear . . .
He lifts his voice, the earth melts. The Lord Almighty is with us . . .
He says, "Be still, and know that I am God.
Mary prepared for the coming of Jesus in patience and stillness. Does your family prepare for Jesus's birth in the same way? Or are you filled with the secular hustle and bustle of gifts, lights, and parties?
As many families experience during Advent, Advent doesn't feel like a time to slow down, it's a time to speed up. There are gifts to be bought and wrapped, cookies to be baked, parties to attend, and rooms to be decorated. What if you lived this Advent differently? More simply and liturgically and less doing? What would that look like for your family?
At All Saints Academy, we do a few things differently during Advent to highlight the liturgical season. This year, K-2 students have a special advent prayer and reflection every Monday and Upper Campus students are lead by the 6th graders through a Jesse Tree reflection at morning prayer each morning. Our early childhood friends have created a paper advent wreath near the cross, with each candle on each pillar. Lastly, families are invited to participate in Advent at home with
Loyola Press's Advent Calendar.
To enhance a spirit of giving, students are invited to participate in $1 color days each Friday of Advent. The money raised through our $1 color days supports be nice. , the mental health foundation of West Michigan. All students are also invited to bring in different items for St. Alphonsus' Food & Clothing Center: Week 1 is canned foods, week 2 is packaged food items, and week 3 is toiletry items.
There may be a lot going on this time of year, but we hope your family can take some time to slow down and prepare, physically and mentally, for the coming of Jesus this Advent. Take this Advent to "come and see what the Lord has done" (Psalm 46:8). He may just surprise you.