Thursday, December 15, 2016

Basketball @ ASA

A huge thanks to everyone who helped make hosting basketball games a reality in the Middle School Gym on December 10th!!! We are so thankful to St Jude for letting us use the gym! Thanks to all fans who came out to cheer on our team! Extra thanks to all those who invested time volunteering throughout the day. Cheers to Mrs. Mitchell, our amazing Athletic Director, for leading the way on opening the door for this opportunity for our student athletes this year!
It was such a joy to have our gym bustling with ASA families and to be able to welcome our guest teams back to ASA. Our 5th & 6th grade students and coaches were so excited to be able to play on their home court!
As we continue to talk about the possibility of hosting more games in the future, know that we are going to be reaching out for more help. At ASA We Believe That We Are One. One in celebration, and also one in supporting each other as we work to grow and give God glory. One team as we strive to Form Saints to Serve All.  

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Career Cafe

Friday December 2nd the 7th and 8th grade welcomed four professionals from the ASA-Grand Rapids community in to talk about careers. The event started with students sharing hot chocolate and cookies in the cafeteria. Then they moved into classrooms in small groups to interact with presenters.

Mr. Schneider, Dr. Frey, Mr. Potter and Sr. Rosita shared with the students, not only information about their own respective careers, but also tips for good study habits and pursuing your own interests and talents.

Student “Tweets” from the event:
“I learned there is a career for almost anything you want to do.” #AllThingsArePossible

“I learned that you can become anything, All you have to do is put your mind to it, out in the effort and you will be fine.” #AllThingsArePossible

“”I learned there can be libraries in companies.” #Innovation

“I learned learned to can borrow iPads and bicycles at libraries.” #Innovation

“I learned that jobs are a lot more interesting than they look.” #WeCanAllGrow

“I learned I want to be a dentist when I grow up.” #ThanksDrFrey

Friday, December 2, 2016

Advent @ ASA


Advent @ ASA

The season of Advent is a time of preparing our hearts and minds to celebrate Jesus’s birthday and also contemplate Christ’s second coming. We have many preparations, devotions and celebrations underway at ASA! You are welcome to join us physically, or in spirit, for any of these events.  

MS Band Concert - Tuesday, December 6th, 7-8pm @ West Catholic

EL Christmas Program - Monday, December 12th, 6:30-7:30am @ Blessed Sacrament Church

Family Christmas Movie - Polar Express, Sunday, December 11th @ 2pm in Brophy Center

Catholic Charities West Michigan - Needs Drive
We are again partnering with Catholic Charities Foster Care of West Michigan (CCWM)
“The goal of Catholic Charities West Michigan foster care is reunification of the child with the birth family and our foster parents provide the safety and security during the separation that are an integral part to the success of this process.”
Here is the list of items each classroom will be collecting from November 28 - January 9.
Pre - Diapers, Baby wipes
K- Baby Lotion / Baby Powder
1 - Craft kits / activity books
2 - Diaper Rash Ointment
3 - Onesies
4 - Socks - boys and girls
5 - Underwear - boys and girls
6 - Burp clothes
7 - Baby Shampoo / comb/brush
8 - Bar soap / body wash
EL Staff - NEW stuffed animals
MS Staff - board games / cards / games

AND - we will collect donations for CCWM with dollar jeans days on:
  • Dec 9
  • Dec 16

Other Events at ASA  
Dec 7 - Reconciliation for 4th-8th grade
Dec 8 - Mass for the Feast of Immaculate Conception 8:30 both campuses
Dec 9 - Adoration @ the middle school campus
Santa’s Secret Shop
  • Elementary Campus Dec 12 & 13
  • Middle School Campus Dec 14 & 15
Last School Mass of the calendar year - Tuesday, Dec. 20th, 8:30 at both campuses
Dec 20 - Christmas Caroling
  • K-4 Marywood
  • 5-8 Vista Springs
Dec 21 - Jeans Day & classroom Christmas parties

Advent Reflection Email Resources

Dynamic Catholic - Matthew Kelly - Best Advent Ever

Redeemed Online - Andy Lefnesky - #shareJesus

Word on Fire-  Daily Gospel readings and reflection - Bishop Robert Barron

John-Paul and Annie - one novena after another … it’s great!!  They are having an Advent Retreat.

Father Mike Schmitz - daily reflection - he talks fast but brings theology to our level
