Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Career Wax Museum

The 4th graders participated in our annual Career Wax Museum presentation. They put a lot of work into researching a career they were interested in and preparing for the big day by memorizing their speech. Everyone created informative tri-folds about their career and buttons to start the presentation.


"I thought the wax museum was really challenging because you had to get things done right after school and you also had to memorize a speech." - Andrew

"I liked it a lot at first. I didn't think I could do it but it got easier every time." - Jacob 

 "What I liked about the wax museum is that everyone loved it when we said 'Thank you for your attention' and they would smile. Also, I liked it when people would press the button and it would make them think that you were a robot." - Ben 

 "I liked that some people asked questions at the end of our presentation. I also liked the feeling that no one knows if I mess up and if I do mess up they don't care." - Kyle 

 "I loved the wax museum because when people came up to me they seemed interested. I learned that I might want to be a real estate sales agent because a lot of people there wanted me to sell a house." - Ashley 

"What was fun about the wax museum was putting together the tri-fold." - Lydia

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

St. Patrick's Day Celebrations

St. Patrick is known for teaching others about the Trinity. He explained the Trinity to the people of Ireland with a Shamrock. Although there is just 1 shamrock, there are 3 equal parts, just like the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The preschool three students did many activities with shamrocks for St. Patrick’s Day.

St. Patrick also is said to have driven all of the snakes of Ireland into the sea, so the preschool three students also had some snack projects to honor St. Patrick!

Friday, March 18, 2022

ASA Celebrates Pi Day!

Who doesn’t love pi? There’s apple pie, cherry pie, pizza pie, and π itself!

Miss Simmons & Miss Wilson sure love Pi and their matching Pi day outfits!

March 14th, or 3.14, is Pi day! Here at All Saints Academy we celebrate from preschool to eighth grade!

Morning Work

At the Lower Campus, the kindergarten, first, and second grades started their day with a fun Pi Day coloring picture! After morning prayer, they discussed what pi day is and all the fun that can happen when you study math. One second grader said, “Pi day is a day when you do math activities all day!” If only that was every day! To top off their extra math fun learning, they had a hula hoop contest with one student from each grade. Hula hoops are circles after all!

Hula Hoop Contest
First Graders Watching a Story!
Second graders continued their math fun with some IXL time


Kindergarteners enjoying their chocolate "pies"!

At the upper campus, the third and fourth graders worked on graphing the digits of pi and listened to an awesome powerpoint on the history of pi day! The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth graders “discovered” pi by determining the ratio of the diameter of a circle to the circumference with a variety of different size circles.


Third grade graphing pi


Fifth grade - eighth grade students "discovering" pi


Students at both campuses celebrated with circle treats! They also had the opportunity to listen to a fun math story, Sir Cumfrence and the Dragon of Pi.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Community Helpers

The 4 year old preschoolers are learning about the community helpers who make our lives so much better every day. Through books, discussions, and the power of play they are beginning to realize the value of everyone’s jobs. They are discovering how important it is for everyone to work together and help each other to make our community a better place. Pictures of Mrs. Kapustka's class learning about various community helper roles can be found below! 

Girls Day Out at the Salon

Mailing Letters to Family & Friends at the Post Office

Grocery Shopping for the Family

Teamwork at the Construction Site

Can we take your order?

Waiting Patiently at the Doctor's Office

Working Together to Feel Better

THANK YOU to all the community helpers who help make our community a better place! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Lent at ASA

Today marks the beginning of Lent. Our K-8 students will attend Mass this morning and our preschool students will receive ashes from Fr. Tom Page. The ASA theme this year for Lent is Walking with Jesus. 

Each Monday of Lent, students will reflect on the topics below and write their answers on paper footprints to be displayed in the hallway: 

  • Monday, March 7 - Almsgiving: I will show kindness by . . . Each student will have a pathway board of good deeds to do at home. 
  • Monday, March 14 - Prayer: I will pray for . . . Teachers will incorporate prayer intentions in their classrooms. 
  • Monday, March 21 - Fasting: I will abstain from . . . / I will avoid . . . Students will be encouraged to abstain from/avoid something concrete or a behavior. 
  • Early Childhood - Our early childhood students will reflect on the following question each week: “What was a way you were kind like Jesus today?” 
Teachers will incorporate various activities in their classroom to help students understand the season of Lent and the events of Holy Week. Students at the Upper Campus will also have an opportunity to go to confession during the Lenten season. 

Our K-2 teachers hope to depict the Via Dolorosa, the path Jesus walked to his crucifixion, throughout the hallways of our campuses on Holy Thursday. The start of the walk will include signs that remind them that a life with Christ is a journey. As the students draw closer to the cross, posters will depict the Stations of the Cross and Holy Week. The purple footprints created throughout Lent will be found in between the posters that follow the path to the death of Jesus. This will occur as a reflection before our Via Dolorosa day on Holy Thursday where students will walk in groups between the Upper and Lower Campus. 

Families are invited to practice Lent at home by fasting, almsgiving, and praying through the Lenten family calendar. Loyola Press also provides various articles and activities to engage in Lent at home as a family. Lastly, families should check the calendars and bulletins of our four founding parishes to learn more about opportunities for Stations of the Cross, Confession, Adoration, & Fish Frys. 

We pray for all our families, parishioners, and students to have a fruitful Lenten session as they walk with Jesus!